Most asked question

One of the questions I get asked a lot is, “so what’s your favorite video you’ve ever done?”. No matter how many times I’m asked I actually think about it for a second and then remember that it’s just impossible. First, and as contrived as it may sound, every project I’m working on is my favorite. It’s most likely just a bit of delusional positive excitement on my part but it does feel that way. So when I look back I break things into categories. Here they are:

Each project has its “favorite” factor at a different stage of production. Some videos are Awesome during pre production. Creating the idea, figuring out how to pull it off, casting, location scouting, drinking coffee etc. No stress. Everything is possible. Just all dream and no sweat.

Some videos are just amazing to actually film. The process, the interaction, the filming, setting lights, climbing that hill for the perfect shot and tasty craft service. The crew all stepping up and coming together. Winning the war. Awesome feeling.

And then there’s the editing process. Sitting back, knowing you got it all or knowing its in there somewhere. Just digging into footage and watching it all come together. Nothing left to do but sit, have a drink(red bull in morning or a nice glass of wine at night) and just painting.

The older I get the better i get at looking to see where the enjoyment is going to come from. Thinking every part of the video is going to be awesome creates horrible expectations. Freud said the gap between expectations and reality is the size of the disappointment. So I’ve learned to forecast when the fun is going to come. I know when the pre production is going to be a big mess of a riddle that we need to figure out but once on the set it will be fun. Or vice versa. Sometimes I know I need to get to the set and just put my head down and get through the day. The editing room will be waiting for me with a nice dark room and no one to have to talk to. No over time. No sun setting to fast. Just a nice Mac staring at me.

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